Materials Required:
1. Download the Dream Machine template and print it     out. The template is 37" x 33" and can be printed at a
    print shop.
2. 78 RPM Turntable
3. Suspended lightbulb with a 15 - 50 watt bulb
4. Scissors
5. Glue

1. Cut out the shape of the Dream Machine by following     the solid stroke.
2. Cut out the holes inside the Dream Machine by     following the dashed strokes.
3. Roll the Dream Machine into a tube and overlap the     glue tabs. Position the glue tabs on the inside surface
    of the Dream Machine and glue in place.
4. Place the Dream Machine on a 78 RPM turntable
5. Suspend a light bulb 1/3 - 1/2 down the inside of the     Dream Machine. The lightbulb should be positioned
    in the center of the tube.
6. Sit in front of the Dream Machine, close your eyes,     and wait for the visions to come!

WARNING: This experience may be hazardous to people with epilepsy or other nervous disorders.